Individualized Education Program (IEP) Fact Sheet

What is the Individualized Education Program (IEP)? If your child receives special education and related services, it is required that he/she have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP will address your child’s unique abilities and needs and describe how he/she will access the general curriculum. The IEP should describe how your child learns, how your child best demonstrates what he or she is learning and what teachers and service providers will do to help your child learn more effectively. As a parent you are a very important part of your child’s IEP team. You, your child’s teachers and other school personnel will develop an IEP for your child that will be reviewed at least once a year. The Facts you should know: student and/or the curriculum. Parents and the school may also invite anyone they want who has special expertise or knowledge to offer. place of the meeting, the purposes of the meeting and who is likely to be in attendance. The IEP meeting should be set up at a mutually convenient time and place. If the time offered does not work for you, suggest alternative times and dates. of the yearly plan for providing special education and related services to your child. IEP meetings must occur at least once per year, but may occur more often if the parent or the school requests a meeting. required team including: that and included in your child’s plan with the consensus of the or evaluations, the functional, developmental and academic needs of your child, and the disability’s impact on the progress of your child in the general curriculum); a statement goals for your child (and objectives in some cases); in state and local assessments; the accommodations and supports that your child needs for instruction; rticipate in general and special education; the related services to be provided and the consideration of extended school year ; high school or reaching age 16, a transition plan will include transition services to - be provided. This will be documented as the placement for provision of services (also known as Least Restrictive Environment, LRE). team will review your child’s goals and objectives and consider the progress in each area. Your child’s education will then be directed by the developed IEP and will reflect any changes made during this annual review. of your child. The IEP will tell you when to expect progress reports and how often you will receive them. You should receive them at least as often as students without IEPs receive their report cards. Goals and objectives do not usually repeat the state standards of the curriculum, but instead identify goals or skills a student needs to work toward in order to make progress in the curriculum and to meet the unique needs of his or her disability related to the functional, academic, behavioral or developmental needs of the student.

Tips for Families: Plan before the meeting: Write down what you are recommending child and are that with the school. their other parents’ experiences. IEP meetings. You will be more prepared when you have heard about Write down your uestions so you do not forget. would like to be different in school. Find out what they like and dislike. Ask what they want and need. participate for part of the meeting, while older children might attend the full meeting. When transition out of high school is being discussed, your child must be invited to attend. can participate by telephone if you cannot be there in person. Parent participation is an important part of every IEP meeting and school systems are required to make every effort to include parents in them. Review and prepare paperwork for each IEP meeting: Review last year’s IEP before the meeting. Request copies of your child’s records (in writing) so that you can review them beforehand. Ask a or an IEP Buddy to go with you to the meeting. draft agenda for the IEP eeting to share your expectations with the school. Stay involved during the meeting: Ask questions if you need to! don’t understand what is being said, ask for clarification! team, together to get what’s best for your child. Focus your energy on solving problems. but try to work on how to position). The rest of the team may have some great ideas you haven’t thought of. get there (your talk with who came with you, gather your thoughts or calm down. your IEP Buddy or other support person indicated unless you request a due process hearing to “freeze” the process until the disagreement can be resolved. If you request a due process hearing, the previous IEP will still be in effect.  Remember, you can request another IEP meeting at any time if a change is needed or if you have questions about your child’s progress. Make your request in writing. Where to go for more information: Parent to Parent of Georgia 770 451-5484 or 800-229-2038 Georgia Department of Education, Divisions for Special Education Services and Supports 404 656-3963 or 800-311-3627 and ask to be transferred to Special Education Georgia Department of Education Implementation Manual (See chapter on evaluations and reevaluations.) Additional resources: Contact the Special Education Director for your school system.